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latest news


I am very excited to announce that I now have a 2nd location for offering treatments, in Kirriemuir (DD8 5RU) - full details for this can be found on my contact page. I have secured a ground floor treatment room, with ample free onsite parking and easy access, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons - evenings.


If you would like to book in for an appointment at either location, please reach out via my contact form, email or call me on my mobile. 

I look forward to hearing from you. 

We'll be back in practice as of Saturday 21st Aug 2021: - Accepting new bookings from here on wards

I am very pleased to be re-opening appointments at my new clinic in Blairgowrie as of Saturday 21st Aug 2021. New appointment requests and bookings can be made via email (you can do this via the contact page), text or by calling me directly or the clinic (details again can be found on the contact page). 


From the end of August I will also be offering some new treatments so keep coming back to this page for latest news and updates to see whether there's anything that may be of further benefit to you. 


Once again, thank you to everyone for your continued patience. I look forward to meeting and treating you all soon x

Update as of 8th March 2021: - Sorry but we are currently closed!

I am now no longer accepting any new referrals or contacts. 


Please search the MLDuk webiste to find a registered professional therapist who meets the standard of training you may benefit from. You can also contact the Lymphoedema Support Network (LSN) to enquire about therapists in your local area.


Links are:


Good luck and warm wishes x

Update as of 9th February 2021: - National Lockdown restrictions in England continue

Not much news to add except to say that if you'd like to make an enquiry or request to be added to my waiting list for an appointment when my new bookings reopen, please feel free to (you can do this via the contact page). 


Further updates will be provided as / when news breaks with regards to returning to full practice. 

Thank you once again to everyone for your continued patience. 

Update as of 4th Jan 2021: - Further National Lockdown restrictions for England.

It is with a very heavy heart that I am having to advise, that following the Government's implementation of a further national lockdown commencing as of midnight last night (04/01/2021), I have been informed by my professional and governing bodies that I need  to "stand down" and await further guidance. Once they have heard more from the government and considered what exactly the new restrictions will mean (and are set out in law on Wednesday 6th Jan 2021) for close contact services,I will only be able to offer patients support via virtual method. 


For now all appointments will be cancelled until further notice and no new referrals will be accepted until such time that I can reopen bookings.


Everyone who was due to be seen this week and next will be placed on a priority waiting list and offered the soonest next available appointment when I am told I can return to practice. 


Please know I am very sad to have to temporarily suspend service provision again and will continue to support my patients as best as I can via virtual means. I am still very much here for you... just at a greater distance. 


Please keep coming back to this page for further future updates. 


Thank you once again to everyone for your continued support and patience. 

Update as of 5th Nov 2020: - Government's new COVID-19 National Lockdown v2.0 restrictions for England.

Following the Government's implementation of the 2nd national lockdown commencing on the 31st Oct till the 2nd Dec, I have been advised by my governing bodies that I can continue to practice during this time, however have decided to work out of only one location (ie. in order to align myself with the guidance to travel if only necessary and work 'from home / close to home') and will only be offering appointments to patients requiring treatment for long standing health conditions, a mental health condition or an acute injury/trauma which would otherwise escalate and require further medical intervention or possible hospitalization, if left untreated. 


I will be continuing to practice from Woodfield Physiotherapy Centre until further notice and will update this section following any news received from the 2nd Dec 2020. As always, safety and risk reduction is my priority and I will continue to uphold the best practice protocols we have implemented in order to keep everyone as fit and healthy as possible during this challenging time. 


All new appointment bookings will remain closed until further notice.


Thank you for your continued patience. 

Update as of 8th Oct 2020: - New appointment bookings remain closed.

Bookings remain closed at present.. Thank you for your patience. 


If you urgently need to find another therapist, please use the Therapist Directory on the MLDUK website:

which will enable you to find your local alternative therapist who may have capacity at this time. 


I will keep updating this page as things evolve. Please return to it to review the changes, or contact me to be added to the update list.


Many thanks for your patience. 

Update as of 28th July 2020: - New bookings are now closed.

Due to an increased demand in appointments, following the return to practice, I am currently not accepting any new referrals (both private and NHS) and am running a waiting list.


Please continue to complete the online contact form if you wish to be added to the waiting and cancellation lists. I am happy to still receive new patient enquiries, however please bare with me as I respond to each request. My current response rate is 48hrs. 


I will keep updating this page as things evolve. Please return to it to review the changes, or contact me to be added to the update list.


Many thanks for your patience. 

COVID-19 update 

Update as of 9th July 2020: - Hooray! We received the green light to return to practice!

A big Thank You to everyone for their patience during this challenging time. I am very pleased to announce that after hearing the governments update on the 9th of July and working through all the protocols for returning to practice, I have been able to reopen my appointment bookings. 


As you can appreciate, several people's courses of therapy and treatment schedules were placed "on hold" during lockdown and although some people were able to continue receiving input via virtual means of assessment and review this was not always the best or suitable option for everyone. With this in mind, I have been working through my waiting list but also taking on new referrals, as appropriate to needs and urgency. 


Please feel free to still make contact to enquire about therapy and ask advice, The more information you can provide me with on the initial contact message will enable me to respond as quickly as possible. 


Future changes to practice will be outlined here below. Please read this prior to attending your appointment.

1. Please arrive on time for your appointment and wait in your car until I come and collect you.

2. Sadly anyone who accompanies you to clinic, will have to stay in the car or outside (there’s a lovely bench and table near our entrance so they   

    can sit at this if it’s a nice day).

3. We’re trying to limit the amount of people coming into clinic, of course if they need to use the toilet whilst you’re being treated, they are

    welcome to come in. This will be thoroughly cleaned before and after every use. They may be asked to have their temperature taken and 

    contact details left with reception for Contact Tracing purposes. 


4. Please wear your mask to enter the clinic and for when you leave to return to the car.

5. You will also be asked to sanitize your hands on arrival and I will take your temperature.

6. Please bring only the essentials with you to your appointment. I will provide you with a clean and safe place to keep your items during your

    treatment which you can then access at the end of the appointment. 

7. During your treatment if I work on your neck, or near your face you will be asked to wear a mask .

    I will be wearing full PPE in order to reduce the risk of possible transmission. 


I will try and make this new experience as relaxing and non-clinical as possible, however it may well feel quite different to begin with.

Sadly these are just the new ways in which we will need to work in order to keep everyone safe and well. 


I’ll complete a new COVID risk assessment form along with the usual documentation and consent paperwork, but otherwise I’ll get you comfortable and relaxed as quick as possible to maximise the time we have together.


IMPORTANT: If you feel unwell or are demonstrating symptoms of COVID-19 (or suspect a family member or someone you are in contact with to have symptoms) prior to your appointment, please let me know at your earliest convenience. For the safety of all, if you do suspect you or a family member / someone you have been in contact with tp have COVID-19, I would encourage you to get tested ASAP. If this is however not possible, a 2-week “no return” will be implemented to ensure you are symptom free and no longer contagious to myself or others. I hope you understand this.


If you have any questions, concerns or wish to discuss any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. 


I look forward to seeing you and treating you soon. 

Update as of 25th June 2020: - Following the Government's most recent update to their guidelines for returning to practice, I am sad to report that there is still no confirmed agreement by my governing bodies - MLDuk and FHT as to whether I will be able to return to practice from the 4th July 2020. We are currently waiting for further news as to whether MLD, RLD and reflexology will be re-classed in line with physiotherapy, occupational therapy and chiropractic services as "exempt" due to the nature of our role being health and well-being promoting. 


In the interim I am still offering virtual assessments and continuing to monitor and review my patients on a regular basis to ensure they feel supported and confident in managing their conditions via self-care. 


I will keep updating this page as things evolve. Please return to it to review the changes, or contact me to be added to the update list.


Many thanks for your patience. 

Update on situation as of April 2020: - Following the Government guidelines for safe therapy practice, I am not presently offering any 'hands on' appointments due to the need to keep everyone safe and reduce the risk of the virus spreading. My hope is that with a further update from the government I will be able to re-open my bookings for in clinic appointments, working to new protocols and procedures to keep everyone as safe as reasonably possible. 


In the interim I am offering everyone virtual assessments to either conduct initial consultations or review sessions. This has been incredibly successful and allowed many people to discuss concerns and questions which they've had but been unsure how to overcome. Virtual sessions can be used to help you feel confident in practicing self-care, review simple lymphatic drainage (SLD) techniques and also consider whether any unusual variations in your condition are due to anything specific you can control and adjust.


Please got to my contact page for more details on virtual sessions and to book an appointment. 


Changes to my future practice: - Sadly I will no longer be able to offer home visits and would encourage patients who are shielding or isolating to have virtual sessions in order to continue therapy and manage their condition to the best of their ability, during this challenging time. 


My clinic lists will sadly be reduced due to having to include more time before, in between and after appointments to complete infection control procedures. In order to ensure optimal safety of both patients and practitioners appointment times will be staggered and clinic days have been reduced to Weds, Fri and Sat only. On arrival patients are encouraged to stay in their car until they are called in for their appointment, family members and escorts / carers are requested to remain in the car to limit the amount of people in the clinic at one time. Patient's temperatures will be taken on arrival and everyone is asked to bring and wear a face mask. If you don't have one please notify me before your appointment and I will ensure there is one at the clinic for you on arrival. 


There will be more paperwork to complete - including a pre-treatment COVID-19 risk assessment form and the usual consent forms. I would encourage everyone to please notify me as soon as possible if they are experiencing symptoms which would impact on their ability to safely receive a treatment. The clinics have had to implement a cancellation policy due to some people not attending their scheduled appointments or giving very short notice of non-attendance (ie. less than 24hrs). Please understand that if you can't make an appointment and do not notify me of this I am unlikely to be able to offer this out to someone else and this session will then be lost.


Let's try and think of everyone at this time in order to make sure we all keep well, remain safe and can continue to live "as near normal" lives as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or wish to discuss anything in particular. I remain at your service. 


This page will be updated as things evolve and change in line with the Governments recommendations. Please keep coming back to review the changes, or contact me to be added to the update list. Thank you. 

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